Stuart Bruce Jones

Managing Director , First Aider

As Owner and Director Stuart has overall responsibility for the development and management of Smallville. Stuart plays an active part in the day to day operations of Smallville and ensures our Award Winning provisions continue to surpass the needs of our children and the expectations of our families. Stuart is also a qualified practitioner in Early Years and loves bringing science into the cirriculum.

Victoria East

Nursery Manager, DSL, SENco, PANco, First Aider

Victoria is the Nursery manager at Snodland and currently completing her level 5 in Early Years Lead practitioner.
Victoria has worked in Early Years for many years and teaches children in the moment to ensure all children reach their full potential. She is an inspirational leader to her team and the children love her kind and gentle approach. 

Chelsea Barton

Room Lead, First Aider

Chelsea has been part of the Smallville Team since opening and loves teaching the children in our unique environment. She has worked in both Squirrel an Owls Rooms and always brings a smile to the children's faces with her infectious laugh and love of water based play.

Tayla Cruttwell

Deputy Nursery Manager, SENCo, DSL, First Aider

Tayla is the Deputy Manager and SENCo Lead
Tayla is currently a highly advanced Level 5 practitioner and is due to finish her Level 6 in Childhood Studies with SEN in May. She has worked with children since leaving school and loves to watch them grow and learn new things, encouraging children of all abilities to explore and create their own learning through adventurous play. We are so proud of everything she has and continues to achieve!

Natasha Bruce Jones

Occupational Therapist, EYS Practitioner

Natasha is a Private Occupational Therapist that offers support to the children in our setting. Natasha is nurturing towards the children and offers comfort to children when they need. Natasha has a keen interest in nutrition and promotes our healthy eating policies. Natasha is also a level 2 practitioner and regularly assists both rooms to provide exciting invitations to play and challenge childrens critical thinking.

Trudi Perrin

Qualified Teacher, Level 6, First Aider

Trudi is a qualified teacher with a wealth of experience in Early Years. She loves making the most of the local community and taking the children on outings to respect and appreciate their environment. She has a passion for equality and loves nothing more than to see the children splashing in muddles and popping bubbles - she feels very at home at Smallville!

Hazel Maynard

Level 3 Practitioner, First Aider

Hazel is a level 3 practitioner and works in the Squirrel room. 

Kayleigh Meade

Level 3 Practitioner

Kayleigh is a level 3 practitioner and works in the Owl room at Snodland.
Kayleigh ensures that cultural capital is celebrated, providing the children with new opportunities and skills each day. Kayleigh enjoys cooking with the children, telling stories with the puppet show and getting creative on the playdough table.

Grace Harvey

Level 2 Apprentice

Grace is currently studying for her level 2 qualification and works in the Squirrel room. 
Grace is naturally very caring and the children love the excitment and energy she brings to the room. With the children all affectionately referring to her as 'Gracey', you'll be sure to hear the Squirrels talking about her Big Bad Wolf and Dinosaur role plays they love so much.


Level 3 Apprentice

Codi is our newest team member and works in Owl Room. With a background in Nannying here and abroad, she has an amazing way of bonding with the children. She loves the outdoors and is commencing her level 3 practitioner training with us. She is great at responding to the childrens 'in the moment' interests and we can't wait to see how she flourishes as she moves through her training. 


Level 2 Apprentice

Lily has jumped at the chance of beginning her career in childcare, loving the Smallville setting the second she walked through the doors. She is keen to learn everything she can about how children learn through play, and has already shown us that she is not frightened of getting dirty digging for worms and making mud soup with the children. I'm sure you'll share in our excitment of welcoming her to the expanding Smallville family.